Easter 7


12 May

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Today is the Seventh Sunday of Easter. The theme for our final week is Service.

Our last resurrection narrative (John 21:15-19) follows on from last week’s reading,
and is read by Bishop Ross.

Click here to listen to the reading, and here to listen to some reflections on it.

Don’t forget to continue with your daily gratitude practice.




13 May

One of the prayers in the Daily Devotions services in our prayer book is:

God of work and rest and pleasure
grant that what we do this week
may be for us an offering
rather than a burden;
and for those we serve, may it be the help they need.

In a time of prayer, reflect on the ways in which service infuses your life. Ask God to present you with opportunities to serve.

A New Zealand Prayer Book – He Karakia Mihinare o Aoteatora contains all manner of gems. If you haven’t already discovered them, try the Daily Devotions services (which begin on page 104). If you don’t have your own prayer book you can follow this link: http://anglicanprayerbook.nz/104.html




14 May

Service is integral to our faith. It is an expression of the good news we have ourselves received.

But as with all good things, there can be a unhealthy flip side. Sometimes serving others can unwittingly feed our ego. It places us in the role of “the one with the goods” and the recipient of our service is somehow impoverished.

How willing are you to be on the receiving end of service? Today, every time someone offers to do something for you, accept their offer graciously.



15 May

The three synopic gospels record Jesus linking the commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, with the injunction to love our neighbour as ourselves. In Luke’s gospel, a lawyer asks for clarification from Jesus, “Who is my neighbour?” and he is told the story of the Good Samaritan.

Who is your neighbour? In many places, our neighbours are little more than strangers. What might you do in your neighbourhood in order to build community? Next time you wave while walking past a neighbour you could stop for a conversation. You could join the website Neighbourly and see what is happening locally. You could invite your immediate neighbours round for morning tea and talk about ways to increase a sense of community.



16 May

In some places, it is the custom to finish worship with the words: “the worship is over, the service begins.” Our worship is not just about what happens when we gather. It should resource us for ministry over the other six days. So how does your praise of God find its expression in service?

Think back to the last time you were at church. Think back to the last time you participated in a church service. Reflect on the songs you sang, the thoughts shared, and the words of the liturgy. What words did you hear or speak or sing which spoke of the call to justice and service? Reflect on this in your journal.

Click here to watch Divinitus – the choir of Diocesan School for Girls and Dilworth – sing Praise his Holy Name. Who said Anglicans can’t groove?!



17 May

Ronald Rolheiser poses two questions that help to shape mature Christian Discipleship.

How can I give my life away more purely and more meaningfully?
How do I live beyond my own heartaches, headaches, and obsessions in order to make others’ lives more meaningful?

Sit with these questions today.



18 May

As you go through The Examen today, think back over these past seven weeks.
What themes have arisen? Frederick Beuchner once said
Vocation is the place where our deep gladness meets the world’s deep need.
Might God be calling you to something new?

Click here to be led through The Examen.

Concluding Prayer:

God of opportunity and change,
praise to you for giving us life at this critical time.
As our horizons extend, keep us loyal to our past;
as our dangers increase, help us to prepare the future;
keep us trusting and hopeful,
ready to recognise your kingdom as it comes.




19 May

Pentecost! Click here to watch a Dan Stevers video of the Pentecost story.
James K Baxter’s Song to the Holy Spirit is a beautiful piece of poetry in our prayer book (Midday Prayer, pg 157).
Today you are invited to use it in your personal prayers. Click here for the text. On this last day of the calendar, we’d like to thank you for taking this journey with us and for contributing to the community on Facebook. We hope it has been helpful to you in your faith and ministry.

Go as far as you dare, for you cannot go beyond the reach of God.
Give as extravagantly as you like, for you cannot spend all the riches of God.
Care as lavishly as you are able, for you cannot exhaust the love of God.
Keep journeying as a servant for God will always be with you.

Bless you!