Easter 5


28 Apr

Christ is risen. He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Today is the Fifth Sunday of Easter. Click here to watch Valonia Dsouza,
Emily Paterson and Jeremy Harris tell the Emmaus road story from
Luke 24 and here to listen to a reflection on this week’s theme:
Gratitude. The reflection concludes with this prayer from the
Night Prayer service:

God our Creator, our centre, our friend,
we thank you for our good life, for those who are dear to us,
for our dead, and for all who have helped and influenced us.
We thank you for the measure of freedom we have,
and the extent to which we control our lives;
and most of all we thank you for the faith that is in us,
for our awareness of you and our hope in you.
Keep us, we pray you, thankful and hopeful
and useful until our lives shall end. Amen.

Don’t forget to continue with your daily gratitude practice.