Easter 2


7 Apr

Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia!!

Today is the Second Sunday of Easter. The theme for this week is Humility.

Today’s audio file is a reading from John Chapter 20 by Carole Hughes.

Take a few moments to exercise your imagination in response to the reading. Find a quiet place with no distractions. Close your eyes and imagine you are walking in a pleasant place. Jesus meets you, greets you by name and talks with you. You can say whatever you want to him. Listen for his responses. After a few moments, say goodbye and continue on your way.

What was it like to hear Jesus call you by name? What did you want to say to him? How did he respond?

You may want to record the insights your imagination has offered you in your journal or talk them over with a friend.

Don’t forget to continue with your daily gratitude practice.
Instructions are here.